40K RUMORS: Space Marine Minis and Prices

At long last, we have a product list! Get your wallets ready, the Astartes are coming to town.
Space Marines Products – Prices
Space Marine Codex
176 pages!!!!! $58
by Robin Cruddace
Cover pic is a close up Ultra Marine pointing forward into battleWar Zone: Damnos
by Phil Kelly
68pages $33Space Marine Stalker/Hunter
The three barreled Stalker and the Single large barreled HunterSpace Marine Reclusiam Command Squad
Includes Razorback 5 man command squad and a space marine chaplinSpace Marine Captain
1 model $30Space Marine Librarian
1 model $30Space Marine Strikeforce
39 models $220AdvertisementSpace Marine Centurion Devastator/ Assault Squad
3 models $78Space Marine Tactical Squad
10 models $40Space Marine Sternguard
5 models $50Space Marine Vanguard
5 models $40
Centurion Devastator Squad
Shooting weapons mounted both on sides of torso and under each fist.
Fist weapons: HB, LC, Graviton Cannons
Torso weapons: Hurricane Bolters, MLCenturion Assault Squad
Shooting weapons mounted both on sides of torso and close combat weapons under each fist.
Fist Weapons: Siege Drill w/Melta, or Flamer per arm.
Torso weapons: Hurricane Bolters, Ironclad Assault Launcher.