Privateer Press Roundup – GENCON 2013 Edition

Privateer is having a fun week, with all kinds of new and exclusive models rolled out.
First up, there is the convention “pinup model” for Convergence. Let’s hear it for robot cheesecake. Ahh how I love this industry!
Next up we have the conversion pack for the new Cygnar Silverline Stormguard.
Then with the release of High Command, we get not only the game itself available first at GENCON, but a tutorial video to give us the basics.
And of course, how can we forget The Butcher Unleashed. The baddest meanest version of Orsus to hit Immoren. If you aren’t quaking in your non-Khadoran boots, you clearly haven’t taken a close enough look.
Several of these models are available at the Privateer Store for a Limited Time – so HURRY!
~Have at it everybody.