Goatboy’s 40K – Abaddon’s DragonSpawn!

Everyone thinks Dragons are the way to run Chaos. Well move over hell turkeys – the Spawn are in the house!
Happy Labor Day from the Goatboy as I sit in my office doing reports and answering tech support calls. Goatboy likes the money from working a Holiday and figures it will help keep him in the black when he goes out on his cruise for his Wedding Anniversary. But hey you don’t care about that real life stuff you just want to see what nonsense I dream up.
We all know how I feel about the CSM codex. I love parts, loathe a good deal of it, and feel sorry for my opponent on one option. This still doesn’t keep me from thinking of lists as I can’t help but love the evil jerks of the universe. After this week look for some Counts-As options with the new Space Marine dex as you all know I love using good guy rules to be a bad guy. Heck the Goats will probably come out of their foam and cardboard prisons.
So let’s look at a quick Chaos list that I have thought about and I am trying to fit into a nice, ass kicking mold.
CSM w/Black Legion Allies
CSM Primary Detachment
HQ: Sorcerer Lord, Lvl 3, Bike, Sigil of Corruption, Force Stave, Spell Familiar
HQ: Sorcerer Lord, Lvl 3, Bike, Sigil of Corruption, Force Stave, Spell Familiar
Troops: Cultists X 10
Troops: Cultists X 10
Troops: Cultists X 10
FA: Chaos Spawn X 5, MoN
FA: Chaos Spawn X 5, MoN
FA: Heldrake, Bale Flamer
Heavy: Maulerfiend, Lasher Tendrils
Heavy: Maulerfiend, Lasher Tendrils
Heavy: Maulerfiend, Lasher Tendrils
Black Legion Allied Detachment
Black Legion: HQ: Sorcerer Lord, Lvl 3, Bike, Sigil of Corruption, Force Stave, Spell Familiar, Last (that crazy Black Legion Nova artefact-thingie)
Black Legion: Troops: Cultists X 10
Black Legion: FA: Heldrake, Bale Flamer
1845 on the nose.
Using the List
So he idea behind this list is to just overpower with psychics and speed. The two Heldrakes are there because you just use Heldrakes if you are playing CSM. You usually don’t need more then 2 and with the Black Legion giving you an extra FA option you get some more use due to just having more of the best option in CSM – Fast Attack.
Let’s break it down.
2 Level 3 and one Level 4 Sorcerer Lord should mean you get a good deal of goodness for your army. I think Telepathy will be a big help most of the time with the first two rolls thrown there and then you can look at throwing on Biomancy to see if you get something cool like Endurance. The extra from the Black Legion gets a cool Nova power that can hurt things as you move up. Hiding behind the Mauler Fiends.
Invisibility is extremely good as you can dump them on the Spawn, the Mauler Fiends and anything else that could use it. If you get a few Hallucinations it can also spell a sad game for your opponent. These guys are all about Utility and I went into Force Stave territory because it gives you a chance to punch the crap out tanks or other things.
Nothing to see here – just ignore them. That is the plan every game. Hide, hold, and pray that the gawds don’t come in and try to make a DP out of your butt.
Fast Attack:
Heldrake X 2. If you are playing against CSM you should expect to see one to two of these every game. If you see 3 look for one to have the Cannon as it is a big help to remove things, but right now I just got two with the burninator upgrade.
Chaos Spawns X 5 with the MoN are great wound soakers. They are fast, make the Sorcerers Fearless and benefit greatly from upgrades the Character can dump on them. Their ability to hurt things is great and if you want to dump a Dragon for a third Spawn unit – it isn’t a bad idea.
Maulerfiends X 3. Look this is just intimidating and charging into a DP that now only has one attack due to the tendrils and needing to smash is brilliant. Making one of these guys invisible is also hilarious as he runs around the board and tries to punch things. I always likes playing these guys and have been on the deserving end of a power fist as it came in, and punched me in my daemon face.
So there you go, another weird CSM list on this awesome holiday. I hope you are having fun not working and all those who are coming back from Nova get back safe and sound. I wish I was up there trying to get into the top 16 and can only watch and cheer on my buddies throwing dice out there.
Happy gaming my fellow Chaos Traitors! So anyone else loves Spawn more than Dragons?