Tyranid RUMORS: Beware Karkinos!!!

The Hive Fleets approach, with a ancient name leading the way. Here is the latest batch on the Tyranids.
Karkinos: all you zodiac lovers will appreciate the reference. It is not known what form this Classical Greek monster will take in the new Tyranid codex, only that it is coming. Here is what else is on the way:
Monstrous Creature Broods may not deploy in multiple Mycetic Spores. ~YIKES!!!
HQ Trygon option.
Parasite is now a Shrike upgrade character, and moves out of the HQ section.
Tyranid Prime can now be purchased in Warrior, Shrike or Ravener forms.
Many classic biomorphs have returned as upgrade options for most units.
Many units can now run twice or run-assault. ~ nice countpoint to Battle Focus
New unit that is static but extends synapse range. Can take some weapons and has cc ability if attacked.
-New flyer (Erinye)
-Mycetic Spore combo-kit alternative build (Mycetic Hive Node)
-Entirely new Monstrous Creature (the “Big Bug)
-New elite character (Crawling Plague – Named Venomthrope)
-Another one… (Genethrope)Advertisement
This set is also lining up with most of the previous rumor sets (see below link). 5 new units isn’t too bad considering the large number of missing models that need to be filled out from the last codex.
OMG, sign me up some Nid RUN-RUN, or RUN-ASSUALT action. That’ll show those pesky Tau!