Warmachine: Retribution Mage Hunter Infiltrators
The Retribution of Scrayh’s latest addition to their plethora of units is the Mage Hunter Infiltrators. From Privateer Press Website:
…sounds pretty Sa-Weet. T’d off, infuriated elf ninjas looking to shank anyone daring to use magic and such “tomfoolery”.
With the exception of either incarnation of Vyros, all of the Retributions casters can make use of the Infiltrators, whether its directly or in a more holistic list building/balancing sense. From Ossyan’s Quickening spell buffing their already considerable Speed and DEF against ranged attacks turing them into an awesome early game tar pit/threat, to a less looked at balancing unit to a Ravyn list, the Mage Hunter Infiltrators can find a home in many Ret lists. This utility is actually where the faction really shines as a whole, however, two standout casters to pair the Infiltrators with are Garryth and Kaelyssa.
Garryth’s pairing is cool right off the bat because he’s the only caster that can run a complete Arcane Assassin army (minus the jacks) with tier benefits, a fact that provoke’s some really bad match-ups for an opponent using a upkeep, buffing support caster obviously. Due to their speed and innate mage hunting abilities, they can keep up with Garryth, acting as an escort, and provide an equally game winning threat if positioned correctly…paired you can create those “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” scenarios. His Death Sentence spell helps these guys out as much as any other model in his army due to the re-rolls to hit but with Gang it’s not absolutely necessary. Gallows and Mirage increases their threat range, although Gallows is to random for me:). While it wont hurt to have Mirage on them, its probably going to find its upkeep target on other, slower, models in the army or those needing a more efficient and valuable aiming bonus on top of an extra 2inches of placement…like the Mage Hunter Strike Force. All in all, a fluffy and competitive list worth giving a go.
Kaelyssa’s strengths with the Infiltrators aren’t as straight forward and comprehensive as Garryth’s. Like many of her list builds and good match-ups, its success is just as dependent on your opponents list makeup. Kaelyssa’s Vanishing feat will protect these guys from an early alpha strike just like the rest of her army or help with board control later in the game, just be mindful of someone charging their own model or trampling into your line before opening a can on you:) Her Arcane Reckoning spell on top of their higher DEF and Stealth will usually see your opponent on the receiving end of their own offensive spell at least once in a game but this trick will loose its luster as you progress up a tournament ladder…or your local gaming buddies crack wise to it. In the former case, swapping out Arcane Reckoning for her Banishing Ward becomes the answer. Flat out preventing them from being the targets of enemy spells is useful against chain lighting, large AOE spells etc.
Rumor Mill…3Eiryss
Since last year its been known that the ever popular mercenary elfess would be getting her “Legendary” status in Warmachine: Vengeance. That news was cool enough by itself but then it was spoiled that she would be a Unit Attachment for both the Mage Hunter Strike Force and, unknown at the time of release, the Mage Hunter Infiltrators. A single model being a UA for multiple units is a first in the game and with the already high status the Mage Hunter Strike Force has, rumor CHAOS as-sued with how this interaction would work in the first place and what goodies 3Eiryss would bring to the units. Again, the Retributions units, especially their Unit Attachments, are considered top notch in the game, with MHSF being at the top of that pile…so how to balance her epic fluff, the factions synergies and cross unit aid? The most popular, not necessarily the most balanced, are Acrobatics, Ambush, Advance Deployment, Beast Hunter, Shadow Dance….and the list goes on lol. In fact, all the threads I’ve seen on this subject are comical and good ol’fashion fun to read. With that…..
~Since writing this article, 3Eiryss was released at GENCON and a generous friend snagged one for me. Instead of scrapping the article and/or missing out on a look at her….coming soon, painting 3Eiryss and how she fairs on the tabletop!….to be continued…