40K Rumors – Bugs, Bugs, and Bug-killers!

RUN! The Hivefleet rumors are coming – and just about time. You can’t expect icy evil elves to hold up everyone’s interest for 2 months. Here we go!
via the whispers in the wind…
First off, as with our previous rounds of rumors some ratings.
We rate these probable, coming from solid sources
Bugs, bugs, and bugs in Q1 2014
-Tyranids kick off 2014 ~so look for pictures and craziness to ensue in the December rampup
-An emphasis on making EVERY unit in the codex viable this time around ~we’re looking at you Pyrovore!
-The army rules and theme are focused on adaptability of unit abilities and inter-unit synergy ~there will be “combos”
-Emphasis on model releases will be to get out all the missing models in the previous codex
-Look for a small number of highly specialized new units to shore up 6th edition deficiencies in the army
-A new unseen big bug kit is among these
-Ultramarine Tyranic War Veteran Supplemental codex is the next supplemental book coming, to tie into the release and to provide worthy foes for the hive-fleets.
-BOTH digital and physical versions out in Q1 2014