40K: Your Most Ridiculous Rule

Sometimes the rules lead you into ridiculous situations. Let’s talk a bit about the crazy that happens on the tabletop.
We all love to drone on about the rules and we all have our pet peeves, but there are some real crazy situations the rules can cause on the tabletop. Here are just two to get you in the mood:
1) The Thunderfire Cannon’s “over-under” subterranean shell. It’s a delayed fusing shell, that causes impedes movement as it goes off underground – BUT as it’s a barrage weapon, it MUST strike the topmost level of buildings. So guys on the ground floor are 100% safe!
2) LandRaiders from the Sky! We all know how the Blood Angels “combat drop” their Land Raiders right into the thick of action from ThunderHawk Transports. That massive hunk of adamantium holding a squad of pissed off Termys is something to fear – unless it deepstrikes onto a single Grot – then it’s so much scrap metal 33% of the time…
What is your most ridiculous situation the rules led you into on the tabletop?