Clan Raukaan: Iron Hands Supplement Inbound!

The Iron Hands are coming – in a new Supplemental Codex NEXT month. Behold Clan Raukaan!
via Faeit – (November White Dwarf)
This is from the November White Dwarf, Clan Raukaan is an Iron Hands codex supplement set for digital release in November. Here are some of the details mentioned
-Iron Hands companies are named after the clans of Medusa, and Clan Raukaan is the largest of these.
-Battles vs chapters arch rival- The Slaanesh Prince the Saphire King
-Rules for fielding Clan Raukaan including the standard;
Chapter Relics,
Apocalypse Datasheets,
Stratagems for Planetstrike, Cities of Death
Altar of War
Interesting, it would appear we now have another cross-chapter rivalry (Iron Hands-Emperor’s Children). I mean Fulgrim DID behead Ferrus, so there is that…
~Well, well, well, I knew GW wouldn’t devote two entire months to Dark Elves by themselves. It’s nice to see the Iron Hands get the red carpet rolled out for them after all these decades. They are a 1st Founding Chapter – they deserve it!