40K Weekly Roundup 11-10-2013

What a week week we’ve had ladies and gentlemen. Tyranids, Imperial guard and the Inquisistion – OH MY! Here’s the latest:
First up:
Codex Inquisition
Inquisition is up for pre-orders NOW!
via Black Library
The rules in this book allow you to add the agents of the Inquisition into any Imperial force (as well as fielding them, begrudgingly, alongside the armies some of the less belligerent alien races), or field them as an army in their own right.
The main focus is very definitely on the individual Inquisitors themselves, with every Inquisitor now having access to a bewildering array of options, wargear and armour, making them one of the most customisable characters in the galaxy (as it should be).
There are also plenty of ways to represent your Inquisitor’s alignment to a particular Ordo, from weapons, unique Inquisitorial relics and three Warlord Traits tables for Xenos, Hereticus and Malleus Inquisitors.
Speaking of Warlords, this codex allows you to have an Inquisitor leading your Imperial forces, even when he isn’t part of your Primary Detachment (would you argue with an Inquisitor about who’s in charge?).
AdvertisementOf course, Inquisitors rarely travel alone. Instead they bring with them experienced warriors and specialists, not to mention their pick of the best transports from across the Imperium.
This is great way to represent your Inquisitor’s own particular field of expertise. Will you have a radical Inquisitor leading ethereal squadrons of Daemonhosts, or an experienced alien hunter with a pack of Jokaero Weaponsmiths in tow? Of course, you’re welcome to mix the two if you like (but we can’t promise that your space-ape and possessed monstrosity will play well together).
You’ll be able to pre-order your codex this Saturday, both as an interactive edition for iBooks, and as an eBook edition for your phone, tablet, computer and eReader.
Next we move onto…
Latest word from multiple sources from all over are now saying to look for Tyranids to show up in DECEMBER, with a possible followup into January. It’s looking like a very bug-filled Christmas!
Hmm, so this looks like a box of Hive Guard.
– It’s Plastic
– 3 models per box
– New alternative weapon
– Centurion sized 50mm base (I think…)
Ok, so the interesting thing is that they redid this kit at all. This looks to be another sign that Finecast is being targeted for replacement. GW looks to want OUT of the Finecast business aside from some low volume characters here and there.
Also, with all the missing units that need kits and Finecast replacements – this seems like too many kits for a standard one-month release slot.
last but not least:
Imperial Guard
Multiple sets of IG rumors have begun to work their way out of the woodwork after months of silence this week. Here’s one set on Stormtroopers/Veterans.
“I was able to see some mockups of the new veterans/stormtrooper boxed set, and it would be an amazing kit to build warbands or stormtrooper squads. Also I saw a model that appeared to be an Inquisitor, and was wearing a long cloak and armor. I could see GW allowing stormtroopers as a troop choice to induce additional sales of the new kit, which, frankly, floored me. The details were great, with kasrkin style armor, and all sorts of weapons including hellguns, sniper rifles, special weapons, a cool missile launcher, a bunch of sergeant options, bolters, and lots of shotguns that managed to not look like scout shotguns. Also, the bolters did not look like marine shotuns, they were a little more human sized. Some of the poses were also amazingly dynamic. Some were stoic standing poses, while a couple were very John Woo! There were also a lot of extra bits, poches, packs, grenades, knives, some scanner like equipment, and what appeared to be night vision goggles. If i were a puppy, I would’ve piddled onm the rug, and it was a supreme act of will not to grab the models and run for the door. Apparently, they have also been ready for some time. Please dear God, let these see the light of my hobby store soon and I will have at least 5 boxes! This might even revitalize my Guard army.
Oh, and there were a bunch of heads! respirator heads, heads with berets, bald heads, heads with mohawks and crew cuts. Most were scarred, and one had an eyepatch, while another had a disfigured eye with what looked like claw marks, one head was smoking a stogie, and there were two heads with berets. There was even a knife that looked like a trench knife with raised knuckle dusters. There were scopes, a hand radio, and a bunch of bits for the bases including plants, a snake, and some ammo cans and satchel charges. There was even a hand holding an entrenching tool (shovel to you non-military types). There were a few holstered pistols, and as a delightful surprise, there were also autoguns in addition to lasguns, and there were bits for pistol and close combat weapon troops, although few were chainblades. There was a demo charge, melta bombs, and camo cloaks. I was very, very impressed. The attention to detail was phenomenal.”
I done know about you but whew, this is shaping up to be a great few months! What are you most excited about?