Goatboy’s Monday 40K – The Most Heavy Metal Marines!

ARE YOU READY TO ROCK! Goatboy here and I blame this list on me watching the new Metalocalypse that came out this past Sunday.
For those who don’t know it is a cartoon about the most metal of bands and this weekend it had an hour long Metal Opera. It was amazing and this is the list my fevered metal brain came up with in response.
This list will probably only work for the most metal of players. Those guys who want a small army rife with the possiblity to convert the living F out of it. Do you go horse riders of doom? How about mechanical bikers of death and despair? Oh wait – yeah it deals with bikers so now you got an idea where I am going. Either way if you don’t want to read a list the bends to the knees of Hero Hammer then just stop, click on another link, and go on with your square peg lifestyle!
First of all this is a Straight Marine army. I did ally with Marines to activate the most kick butt of can of awesome as I can. It also allows for me to make some tricks that might actually make this list doable. Of course Horde armies will kick this elite pile of doodoo in the teeth but hey who wants to move around all those models anyway. So with this in mind let’s begin.
Will start at the top because armies need leaders and this list has 3 brutal options. One is to ensure you don’t lose first turn and the other two are all about kicking butt and taking names.
1850 Iron Hands Main/White Scar’s Best Friends!
Iron Hands Bits
Nathan Explosion!
Chapter Master, Bike, Artificer Armor, Thunder Hammer, The Eternal Shield
Nathan has lived through so many liver transplants he has to have Eternal Warrior. Thus this load out. I didn’t want to go with the obvious cheap option of a Power fist and instead went with the Thunder Hammer. The Hammer is obviously more metal and fits the Iron Hands theme a bit.
Chaplain, Bike
I know my own luck with these things so adding Fearless to the biker unit of doom is just a smart thing. Plus Pickles seems to be one of the few ones that actually takes reality into consideration. So I figured he would need to be the Chaplain.
Toki Mudertooth and William Murderface
Tech Marine, Bike, Lightning Claw
Tech Marine, Bike, Lightning Claw
These guys are always getting into trouble with either crazy drugs, adventures, or some kind of religious experience. I don’t expect them to live through the game but they still need to kick some butt if needed. For those who don’t know, the Lightning Claw means they either have 3 Powerfist attacks on the charge or 3 Lightning Claw attacks. The changes to the Servo arm rule makes this needed if you want to run Tech Marines.
The Hooded Guys
Scout Squad X 10, Camo Cloaks
Scout Squad X 10, Camo Cloaks
Here are some cheap scoring. They ride around in the Heavy Support choices and combat squad. They like to jump out, hide and well – maybe win you a game. You could remove the Camo Cloaks to get Sniper Rifles as a lot of the show has these guys kill intruders.
The Pyrotechnics/Metal Sky Bird thingies/Flight of the Valkyries
Storm Talon, Sky Hammer Missiles
Storm Talon, Sky Hammer Missiles
Storm Raven, TWL Multi-Melta, TWL Lascannon, Search light
Storm Raven, TWL Multi-Melta, TWL Lascannon, Search light
The search lights are there as this list sits at 1848 without them. These are the rides for the Scouts and the way you can get some scoring on the objectives. Plus it helps give the idea of the flying ships the show has the guys and everyone else ride around in. This is the beginning of the shock and awe this list will throw out as things fly on, do damage, and probably die in a blaze of glory.
That completes the Iron Hands portion now we get onto the White Scars. This is the guys run by Skwisgaar Skwigelf.
Skwisgaar Skwigelf
Chapter Master, Bike, Artificer Armor, Storm Shield, The Burning Blade
Here is the other face of this band – the lead guitarist. This guy needs an awesome guitar so I went with the burning blade. Plus you can totally see him flying through the wind with this hair flowing behind him.
A gang of guys – or you could make them his lady fans.
Biker Squad X 8
That’s right now Grav Guns. Shooting bullets is a lot more metal then some kind of gravity nonsense. So just 8 Bros/Ladies to help keep the band safe. Heck you could do that crazy groupie group from one of the shows.
Now to read it in a way that isn’t some kind of Brent like field of meandering nonsense.
IH HQ: Chapter Master, Thunder Hammer, Artificer Armor, Bike, The Shield Eternal
IH HQ: Chaplain, Bike
IH HQ: Techmarine, Bike, Lightning Claw
IH HQ: Techmarine, Bike, Lightning Claw
WS HQ: Chapter Master, The Burning Blade, Artificer Armor, Bike
IH Troop: Scouts X 10, Camo Cloaks
IH Troop: Scouts X 10, Camo Cloaks
WS Troop: Bikers X 8
IH FA: Storm Talon, Sky Hammer Missiles
IH FA: Storm Talon, Sky Hammer Missiles
IH Heavy: Storm Raven, TWL Lascannons, TWL Multi-Melta, Searchlight
IH Heavy: Storm Raven, TWL Lascannons, TWL Multi-Melta, Searchlight
Points should be 1850. You got anywhere from 3 to 5 troop choices. You have a good deal of anti-air. You can also split up and charge multiple things if you survive all the pain coming at you. The big bonus is you can make pew pew sounds as you zoom on your flyers and get into tons of shooting matches. It plans for a big turn and the hope is you can get close, get hurting, and maybe pull out a win with your show boating antics. Or you just air guitar for an hour and a half.