SHOWCASE: Necron “Riptide” by Mr. Chaos

You know BoLS can’t resist a hobbyist with a crazy idea. Mr. Chaos has converted up a Necron “Riptide” for us all to enjoy!
Here’s Mr.Chaos’ own words on the project:
Hi BoLS peoples!
The Canoptek Destroyer (XV104 Riptide) was constructed using:
The body was made using a mix of the Annihilation Barge and the Tomb Stalker. Arms and legs are Tomb Stalkers, so are the mandibles. I use the Doomsday Ark cannon for the Ion Accelerator and Tesla Destructor for the Smart Missile System. The knees are from the back piece of the Annihilation Barge and the legs are build from Tomb Blades.
I wanted to field a Tau Riptide in my Necron army but I did not want to just buy a stock Riptide. I pretty much went the extra length to scratch-built a Necron version of it.
Overall one of the heaviest conversions I have done but very enjoyable.
Cheers, MrChaos