40K: Kill Team Returns!

Time to take a step back from the monstrous battles and into the intimate skirmishes of the 40th Millenium. Kill-Team has returned.
GW Digital has returned those great and tiny games of tiny warbands to us. So get your handful of models ready, and take a look at this:
Kill Team $12.99
Not all battles in the 41st Millennium are massed engagements between lumbering armies and towering war machines. In the shadows of these epic conflicts, squads of elite soldiers clash – their missions no less vital, their foes no less deadly. Designated as Kill Teams by the Imperium, or by a myriad of different names for their alien and daemonic counterparts, they are small bands of warriors tasked with specialised battlefield objectives. Whether it is blowing up an enemy power supply, stealing critical secrets or assassinating a vital target, a Kill Team will almost always be out numbered and outgunned. However, as elite warriors, they can rely on the fact that they will be up to the task – or they will die in the attempt!
Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team is a whole new way to play games of Warhammer 40,000. Using only a handful of warriors, players can undertake perilous missions of sabotage, assassination and stealth. Inside, you will find a collection of new rules, outlining how to create Kill Team squads, and new missions to test your skills.
This interactive edition of Kill Team contains quick-links to making it easy to look up special rules during your game.