40K: New Tyranid Cover and Rules

Fasten your seatbelts – the Tyranid rumor-tidal wave just wont stop! Next stop – A codex cover and even more rules than you can handle.
First up this image is floating around and said to be the codex cover:
Next more rules rumors that you can shake a stick at!
Psychic Powers
Primaris: Dominion: blessing, +6″ synapse range for the caster
Catalyst: FnP for caster and unit, and another unit in 12″
Paroxysm: ???
The Horror: ??? – Broodlords have this power
Onslaught: ???
Psychic Scream: 1 charge, Nova 6″, Each target takes 2d6+2 minus its Ld wounds without cover nor armor saves.
NOTE: Tyranids CAN take rulebook powers.
Bounding Leap on Hormagaunts: +3″ Run.
Old One Eye: In the WD report is regenerating like crazy.
Crone: S:8 VECTOR STRIKE, potent missiles (those funky bug thingys on it’s wings in the pics) and it even comes with an additional flamer template weapon.
Trygons (primes), Carnifex, Hive Tyrant, Tyrannofex, Venomthropes, Tervigon, Warriors, Genestealers all have significant point decreases
Exocrine has two different firing modes, one being a D3 Large Blasts or SIX S:7 AP:2 shots!!!
Haruspex has the ability to magna grapple vehicles and enemy troops.
No Doom, Parasite, or Mycetic Spore!
Release Dates
Preorders: Jan 4th
Release: Jan 11th
~Look for updates all week long. Now how does your wallet feel? I haven’t seen a release so positively embraced in a long time. Well done GW!