40K: Tyranids Costing Latest

Fasten your seatbelts – the Tyranid rumor-tidal wave just wont stop! Next stop – So remember when we said the Nids were getting cheaper…
Get ready – with these point costs – you better be ready kill a LOT more bugs! Note that these may not be exact due to the changing of individual unit upgrade costs – but we should be pretty close.
Point Costs
Exocrine is costed as a Keeper of Secrets
Crone is costed as a Daemon Prince of Slaanesh
Venomthrope: 10pts cheaper
Trygon Prime: 10pts cheaper
Hive Tyrant: 15pts cheaper
Harpy: 25pt cheaper
Carnifex: 40pts cheaper
Tyrannofex: 60pts cheaper
Tyrant Guard: @same
Tyranid Warriors: @same
Genestealers: @same
Ripper Swarm: 3 pts more
Swarmlord: 5pts more
Tervigon: 15pts more
Tyranid Warriors Kit
3 model kit
Tyranid Prime bits included
Lash Whips
Rending Claws
Scything Talons
Barbed Strangler (1)
Venom Cannon (1)
~Look for updates all week long. Now how does your wallet feel? I haven’t seen a release so positively embraced in a long time. Well done GW!