Imperium Stocking Stuffers (Humor)

Can’t find the perfect holiday present for your favorite member of the Imperium this year? Well look no further–our reporters have been hard at work for decades, interviewing men, women and xenos from all reaches of the universe, and here are some of the best ideas they’ve come up with so far!
Penny, Imperial Citizen, 6 years of age — “I want a Dollsy Whatsit and a Dollsy Whatsit Dream House, a tea set for my Dollsy, the polished skull of the Tyranid that ate my father, and a new jump rope.”
Malek Antriomus, Imperial Scribe — “Pens. Just pens.”
PFC Henrik Samsa, 103rd Gore Harvesters — “Some new body armor–this chestplate still has my best friend’s bone fragments embedded in it from the last time we touched down on that death world. Was it Hubris VII or Hubris III? I honestly get those mixed up all the time.”
Voros, Tech-Priest — “The tradition of winter solstice-related gift giving is made obsolete when organic materials are removed from one’s physical makeup. Steps will be made to prevent future yuletide cheer from effecting efficiency. Processing…”
Sergeant Caz “Crash” Verbetta, Catachan Jungle Fighter — “Lho sticks, man. As many as’ll fit in this Cadian helmet…”
Galdorr, Khornate Beserker — “Dark voices… AAARGGHH THE NAILS!!! SWEET DARKNESS THE NAILS!!! BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!!!”
What do you want under your Christmas tree citizen! Remember, to stare your name, Race, Position and request. These will be forwarded to the Inquisition immediately via Astropathic conveyance.