Three Cheers for KILLTEAM!
4 Minute Read
Dec 17 2013

An updated Killteam is headed our way via GW digital next week, and one gamer wants to show you all how much fun these small games can be!
A few days back I played in the Kill Team Operation Maximus tournament at Warhammer World. Regular readers of my blog will know I’m a huge fan of Kill Team games. Basically you play eight 30 minute games of Warhammer 40,000 with 200 point armies.
You can read more about my other Kill Team tournaments here: –
The rules pack evolves as the event team make changes to keep the game fresh. This time 2+ armour saves weren’t allowed and no model could have more than 3 wounds. That meant my Tyranids were out so i took some Red Scorpion Space Marines instead. As Red Scorpions are a Forgeworld list I played with them as Imperial Fists.
My list, the Sons of Anchovy, consisted of: –
- Scout Sergeant with Shotgun
- 3x Scouts with Boltguns
- Scout with Heavy Bolter
- Attack Bike with Heavy Bolter and Rending
- Attack Bike with Heavy Bolter and Ignore Cover
- Attack Bike with Heavy Bolter and Haywire
I didn’t do too well this time round, I finished around 20th out of 60 or so players. I had a couple of good wins and a lot of close games but my list wasn’t quite as strong as some others and i made a few stupid mistakes – possibly due to a lack of sleep and a hangover! The event was great fun though and all the games were great fun.
A big thank you to Nick Bayton in the events team who was going to play but gave up his space to Paul Scott to be able to join in at the eleventh hour!
I’m just going to run through the lists I fought:
Game 1 – Salamander Space Marines
This list has consists of six Sternguard. The Sergeant has Lightning Claws and a combi-melta. There is a Heavy Flamer and a Meltagun too.
Game 2 – Farsight Enclave Tau
With four Crisis Suits this can kick out a tremendous amount of shots. The addition of specialist skills mean that the burst cannons are even deadlier with the addition of Rending or Fleshbane.
Game 3 – Space Wolves
With a Lone Wolf, Thunderwolf and six Grey Hunters this is a really characterful list.
Game 4 – Necrons
Five Wraiths, all with Particle Casters. This army went on to win the tournament. It was also surprisingly good fun to play against – really down to my opponent being a top guy!
Game 5 – White Scar Space Marines
White Scar bikes are really nasty to play against. This army includes a Graviton Gun with Ignore Cover that killed two of my Attack Bikes. It also included the first Power Lance I’ve ever seen used.
Game 6 – Imperial Guard
This list had 5 Stormtroopers and 10 Veteran Guardsman with a mix of weapons – it had a couple of Meltaguns and an Autocannon
Game 7 – Necrons
Deathmarks can nominate a unit that other Deathmarks will wound on a 2+. With 8 individual Deathmarks this army could nominate EVERY model in my Kill Team!
Game 8 – White Scars Space Marines
Another White Scar army this one also had a bike with Graviton Gun but then had 5 Sternguard as well.
I hope you’ve enjoyed this blog. There are lots more of them here. To keep up with our latest news you can like us on Facebook here.
So here’s a challenge folks. Take a week away from the big crazy games and superheavies and throw down at 200pts with all your buddies. The more games the better – it sounds like a fun way to spend a day! Let’s hear some lists.

Author: Larry Vela