Tyranids Rumorwave – December Pt. 2

Fasten your seatbelts – the Tyranid rumor-train is chugging along! Next stop – Warriors and some Harpy tidbits.
We rate this set of rumors possible, coming from mixed sources.
Tyranid Warriors
Tyranid Warriors available in both HQ (Tyranid Prime)and Troops.
– HQ Warriors function as the Prime’s retinue, and do not deploy separately.
– Prime + Retinue may deploy in a Mycetic Spore.Troops Warriors are mostly unchanged.
Updated Biomorphs.
Adrenal Glands is much improved.
Warriors cheaper in points. (75pts base for unit).
– Arm design is similar to the Forgeworld Harridan.
– Wings attach to the body via 2 sets of arm slots.
– Back 2 pairs are for the wings.
– First pair of arms is reserved for various weaponry/gribblies.
~Look for updates all week long. What bugs do you want for the new year?