Warmachine: Steelsoul Protector
2 Minute Read
Dec 16 2013

As the name implies, the Steelsoul Protector is a solid defensive option for any Convergence of Cyriss army. It’s a great looking model as well.
It’s been said that the most important stat in the game is point cost, and the Steelsoul Protector certainly delivers in that respect. 2 points for a medium based solo with Reach and 8 wounds at ARM 17 isn’t bad, and the addition of Shield Guard and Defensive Strike make it a really good deal.
Shield Guard lets the Steelsoul take one ranged hit per turn that would otherwise have gone to a friendly model within 2″ of it. This is great for protecting key models against crippling attacks such as Eiryss or Gorman (as long as he doesn’t drift the Blind bomb on to you – shield guard requires direct hit). It’s also good for taking that one really high power shot that otherwise might have led to an assassination. Shield Guard is the kind of ability you’d normally be paying at least 3 points for on a solo (Ogrun Bokur) or 5 points on a jack or beast (Vanguard, Cyclops Brute). The Steelsoul Protector doesn’t have the offensive capabilities of those options, but at only 2 points it’s much easier to fit in if all you’re concerned about is protecting your caster.
Defensive Strike is slightly more corner-case due to only being MAT 6 and POW 12, but allows the Steelsoul a chance to kill one more incoming infantry model per turn. Combined with Reach and a medium base to prevent tramples, it creates a pretty effective roadblock if need be.
In terms of caster interaction, almost any list that has 2 points to spare can make use of a Steelsoul (even if your caster is naturally unshootable, your Corollary isn’t), but Aurora is probably the number one candidate. She really wants to be midfield and spending her focus on spells, which combined with her low armor gives her a disturbing propensity to get shot off the board. The Steelsoul is also a requirement for her theme force, which brings me to an idea I haven’t yet tried: normally the Steelsoul is FA 3, but Aurora’s theme makes them FA 5. The “spam a lot of small-based Angels” aspect of the theme force can leave it susceptible to common enemy attacks that destroy single-wound high-DEF models. Adding a full “unit” of 5 medium based multiwound solos that get Advanced Deploy and can run 12″ per turn, for only a point more than a 5 man unit would normally cost, seems like it’s worth trying. As anyone who’s played against a Zaal theme force can tell you, dealing with lots of medium based solos can create real headaches for an opponent.
It’s always risky spending army points on purely defensive pieces, but at only 2 points you’re going to see a lot of lists with a Steelsoul Protector in them.
What have you found besides your caster that’s worth assigning a shield guard to?
What have you found besides your caster that’s worth assigning a shield guard to?

Author: Guest Columnist