40K: Tyrannic War Veterans Rundown
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Jan 18 2014

The Tyrannic War Veterans have arrived. Here’s the skinny on what the 1st “Tyranid” dataslate brings:
via Warseer’s Noodles140
Tyrannic War Veterans
Elites choice For Ultramarines Chapter Tactics forces.
3 Veterans + 1 Veteran Sergeant is the basic squad. Cost is 8 pts less than a TFC.
Extra Veterans for 1pt more than a Sternguard each.
Basically Sternguard.
No upgrades allowed except Melta Bombs on Sergeant.
Only Hellfire special ammo allowed.
May take Drop Pod or Land Raider as Dedicated Transport.
Have Zealot and Preferred Enemy(Tyranids).
3 Veterans + 1 Veteran Sergeant is the basic squad. Cost is 8 pts less than a TFC.
Extra Veterans for 1pt more than a Sternguard each.
Basically Sternguard.
No upgrades allowed except Melta Bombs on Sergeant.
Only Hellfire special ammo allowed.
May take Drop Pod or Land Raider as Dedicated Transport.
Have Zealot and Preferred Enemy(Tyranids).
Saint Tylus Battle Force (formation)
Zero extra cost.
1 Cassius
1+ Tyrannic War Veterans Units
0-6 StormTalons
TWVs may not take Drop Pods as Dedicated Transports in this formation.
Formation Rules:
-StormTalons have Infiltrate and may start on the board in Hover.
-Any unit hit by a Talon in a shooting phase can then be hit by TWVs in same phase with bonus of Ignores Cover.
-StormTalons have Infiltrate and may start on the board in Hover.
-Any unit hit by a Talon in a shooting phase can then be hit by TWVs in same phase with bonus of Ignores Cover.
~So with the current Bug codex, did we really need these? Enjoy!

Author: Larry Vela