Goatboy’s Monday – Tyranids Dataslate and You

Goatboy here again and today I want to chit chat a bit about the new Tyranid Dataslate we go this past Saturday.
I have mixed feelings about the release because while I think its got glimmers of hope for future Tyranid releases it does set a precedence of allowing some of these extra “rules” into the normal game we like to play week in and week out. Of course – I feel that in reality – TO’s of all events and sizes can just use whatever rules they feel like. But that is another discussion for another day. Let’s talk about the Gribblies heh.
What does the Dataslate/Formation/Dribble of Rules give you?
The big thing I can see from this one is a way to get Deathleaper without gutting your Synapse options. This is a huge benefit as it helps you keep your army moving, killing, and hopefully winning the game. I thought it was a mistake to have Deathleaper as an HQ choice but with this little bit of digital goodness you now can take him, still look at getting your Synapse in check, and screw over some psykers and their ability to do mind bullets.
The other interesting tool these formations give you is some aggressive infiltrate options. This is pretty huge as you can guarantee first turn assaults if you go second. Now I know most people will just kill those monsters that are close to you but I want you to think of how that helps keep your major bulk safe and sound as you move up, get into range, and get to killing. You can’t assault the first turn of the game so you can’t go first, assault and profit by stealing their underpants. What you can do with these options is give opponents a threat they have to deal with.
Now this infiltrate option is pretty interesting as the units that can get this close are either not Synapse creators, don’t have Instinctive behaviors, or have a high enough leadership to not worry about eating themselves or a friend. This is pretty neat as it means these options can go to ground. This is huge as mixed with their small unit sizes, large amount of units, or ability to set up independently means that an opponent is going to have to invest in a lot more to remove these guys. If a few units survive you now can fly a Tyrant nearby and all of a sudden these monsters jump up and get ready to assault.
Here is a break down of each formation and how I think they might be worth it.
Lictor Forest Brood
Cost – 5 Lictors
Special Abilities – They get Shrouding instead of Stealth and can infiltrate within 6″ of an enemy if they are in a forest. They only get Shrouding and this special Infiltrate if there are in a Forest.
This is an expensive little option but I think it could be pretty deadly. This many Lictors popping out of a forest is a pain in the butt plus Shrouding is pretty annoying giving them a 3+ cover save. They also are a large enough brood that creating little pockets of Pheromone Trails might be pretty good to get perfect Mawloc drops. Still this unit is pretty expensive but it could have its uses.
Verdict – Interesting – getting options to have more surviving Mawloc options is neat.
Manufactorium Genestealers
Cost – 5 Genestealer Broods you cannot upgrade with more jerks.
Special Abilities – Hit & Run plus they can Infiltrate in Buildings within 6 inches of the enemy. You cannot add more Genestealers to these broods.
This one is expensive too and they lose the ability to be a troop choice with this formation. This is the biggest issue with all of these formation is that while they give you a way to get another Force Org slot it isn’t really the Force Org you want or need (Heavy Support). Still most tables are covered in buildings and these guys are going to be annoying in there. The unit sizes are small enough that players will have to invest more time to get rid of all 5 units. Hit and Run is a nice little upgrade that could be handy if you need them to break out and get somewhere else. Still I wish they stayed a troop choice.
Verdict – Too expensive I think – but in armies designed to have waves this might work.
Deathleapers Assassin Brood (The Tentacle Bros)
Cost – 5 Lictors + Deathleaper
Special Abilities – All lictors can be deployed independently, Preferred Enemy Character and Independent Charater, and -1 Leadership to units within 12″ of one of these jerk faces.
Now here is where you start to get interesting. This gives you a ton of “Deep Strike” helpers, plus Deathleaper and all in one perfect package. It is an expensive option but with most armies looking at Mawlocs as their Heavy Support friend this will be the “poops” for Nid armies. Plus randomly making people’s Leadership lower will be great for breaking armies and making people run off the table top. Plus the Horror will love this combo.
Verdict – I think this might be where it is at. It is expensive but this is what the Lictor Unit should do.
Broodlord’s Hunting Pack (I think he needs a hat if you take this one)
Cost – 3 Units of Genestealers plus a Broodlord in only one unit.
Special Abilities – They can arrive from Reserves in a building, infiltrate in a building within 6″ of an enemy, and they can nominate an enemy unit that gives this formation preferred enemy. There is no restrictions on how many Stealers can be in these broods – so you could go crazy with one and leave the others small.
This one is an odd one that I think just doesn’t feel right. I would rather just take the Manufactorium Options instead and feel this one is kind of thrown together. Now if the Broodlord was cheaper, had more options, or heck you could take more then one it might be good. I still think there is a list comboing Deathleaprs group plus massed Horror bombs to pin a lot of the enemy.
Verdict – Pass.
Gargoyle Bio-Bombs (This sounds like a Scott Pilgrim Band)
Cost – 3 Spore Mind Clusters plus 3 Gargoyle Broods
Special Abilities – The Bombs can move more if they are closer to Gargoyles. There is nothing stopping your from upgrading the amount of Gargoyles so you could do more. This could be interesting with Biovores but it just feels meh. But they don’t get half distance for their movement if they are around these buggers.
I am not a fan of this one as while it helps the mines move more. It still doesn’t feel like it is worth it.
Verdict – Pass
So there you have the formations. My issue is obviously I think this one is fine to have in the game. This gives Tyranids more options, allows them to get an “ally”, and gives them some more abilities that I think they need. This is a problem as that one Dataslate in particular just doesn’t feel like it was tested properly. Still I would say play with these things as they all appear to be interesting and not nearly broken enough to cry foul.
Right now I hope the rumored Chaos Space Marine stuff is true as well as some of the cooler options the later Tyranid Dataslates will give us. I could see a change to creating some “brood” options for some of the bigger monsters to create a true Nidzilla list.
Goatboy Out – Do you think Dataslate is enough to turn the Tyranid codex around?