Outside the Box 01-10-14

The USMC is now available together with new german Kradschutzen and more releases for Judge Dredd:
And the big surprise: Spartan Games and Modiphius Entertainment announced to release the Achtung! Cthulhu Skirmish Game together!
Pictures of the first test prints of the Toughest Girls of the Galaxy have been published:
Plenty of new previews including Kusatta Kairai for the Cult of Yurei and the Silvermoon Tarde Syndicate Kyoaku-Han:
New Previews for Arena Rex include this 360 of Lupa and the first teaser for the second wave of Gladiators:
15mm Dwarf Miners and the SciFi Roman Cruiser Mech are just some of the new releases – and Scibor Miniatures announced their own SciFi wargame for 2014!
The Guard range will get several reinforcements in 2014:
And last but not least, Runecast Miniatures presents the first of their Lansquenet-Dwarf Swordplayers: