Tyranid Exocrine – Haruspex Stats

We are down to the wire here with the Tyranids going up live this weekend. Here is the latest info on the new Nid beasties:
Shadow in the Warp: is 12 Inches -3 LD for psi
Hive Crone: Vector Strike S:8
Missiles are rerollable S:5 Haywire
Exocrine: BS:3(4) T:6 W:5 Sv:3+
Exocrine Cannon: 24″ S:7 AP:2 6 shots or Large Blast
BS:4 when stationary
Haruspex: T:6 W:5 Sv:3+
Gains +1 Attack for each Wound lost
Heals 1 lost Wound for every unsaved Wound inflicted on a target
OK, so hmmm, the exocrine is more of a Vindicator-beast, not so much a standoff firing platform. The Haruspex however is going to be a scary thing if it get loose into units of crappy infantry and starts munching away…
~ Houston, we are at T minus 2 days till launch…