Tyranids – 1st Rules Confirmations

With the White Dwarf and the official GW Advanced Order kit info out, some details have finally firmed up.
Force org slots based on kits
Carnifex (OOE)
Hive/tyrant guard (Tyrant gaurd)
Warriors (Prime)
Haruspex/exocrine (BOTH!!!)
Hive/tyrantguard (Hive guard)
Fast attack
Harpy/Hive crone
New Biomorphs
Designer Notes: Tyranids only gain an additional attack when wielding two “pairs” of weapons, IE: two pairs of scything talons.
S:user, Ap3, To wound rolls of 6 cause ID.
Shockcannon or Impaler cannon
Tyrant guard:
Crushing claws, Scything talons, Bonesword+Lashwhip (No mention of rending claws, maybe default weapon)
Tyranid Warriors:
lash whips, spinefists, devourers, rending claws, scything talons, deathspitters, pairs of boneswords, a venom cannon, a barbed strangler, pairs of flesh hooks.
Adrenal glands, Toxin sacs
Haruspex, Exocrine:
Thresher scythe tail biomorph
Tresher scythe Or bone mace biomorphs
Heavy Venom cannon
Codex Preview:
Confirmation of 5 pt hormagaunts, 2 point adrenal glands and 3 point toxin sacs.
Red terror is included in the codex itself (images at least)!