40K: Knight Allies, Special Rules & More
2 Minute Read
Feb 27 2014

Only two days away from this week’s White Dwarf and we get a glimpse at last of Warhammer 40,000’s newest codex. Here’s the latest on Imperial Knights Allies and Armies
via Father Gabe
Battle Brothers: Black Templars, Blood Angels, Dark Angels, Imperial Guard, Sisters of Battle, Space Marines, Space Wolves
Allies of Convenience: Eldar,Grey Knights
Desperate Allies: Dark Eldar, Tau Empire
Come the Apocalypse: Chaos Demons, Chaos Space Marines, Necrons, Orks, Tyranids
Desperate Allies: Dark Eldar, Tau Empire
Come the Apocalypse: Chaos Demons, Chaos Space Marines, Necrons, Orks, Tyranids
Imperial Knights ONLY. No other Ad Mech, or Freeblade units.
Imperial Knight Primary Detachment:
3-6 Knights
1 is the Warlord
Apparent/Seneschal Chart (roll d6 per knight)
1: Knight is -1 WS/BS, Ion Shield is 5+
2-5: Standard Knight
6: Knight is +1 WS/BS, Ion Shield is 3+
Allied Imperial Knight Detachment (see allies chart above):
1-3 Knights
Separate detachment is neither Lords of War, nor Allies
Warlord Traits:
+1 to Run or Charge distance
+1 to Building damage chart results
Warlord gains It Will Not Die
I’m surprised to see Gw introduce a full new codex with only 1 new unit. Yes it is a big impressive units – but to me it still feels like a stretch. Did 1 new unit really warrant a 64 page $40 codex? I’m happy to see Knights re-enter the 40k universe but it has an odd feeling from the rules/publishing side of things. I am looking forward to seeing how these 4-6 model armies will shake up the game.
~Have at it everybody. How do you think these 4-6 model dedicated Knight armies will shake up the 400K meta?

Author: Larry Vela