40K RUMORS: Dwarf Week-2 Minis Details
2 Minute Read
Feb 3 2014

We have new word on the week-2 Dwarfs coming this weekend. Here is the latest:
via GrottoKnight on Warseer 2-2-2014
-Yes Belegar has gromril. His Oathstone will be an extra points upgrade
-Thunderers/Quarrellers are CORE and RARE currently
-Gyrocopter is coming (see picture behind Slayer in video in “what’s new”
-pg 27 of the WD says “Next week: Engineering Madness” in Designer Notes
-I would like to note that the Hammerers use GROMRIL hammers
It’s basically 3 rules:
-Ancestral grudge, roll a D6 before the first turn. On 1-2 your general hates the enemy’s general. On 3-4 your characters hate all enemy characters. On 5-6 your army hates the entire enemy army.
-Resolute, charging units have +1 strength
-Relentless, cannot be marchblocked.
(NOTICE: no -1 to flee and pursue rolls? I figured this would go with how movement and charging changed and all.)
via EddieJA on Warseer 2-2-2014
‘So, I don’t know if this has been discussed already, but a LGS near me was accidentally selling next week’s White Dwarf early. The Dwarfs have a Gyrobomber coming, this kit also makes a new Gyrocopter. They are also getting a new Runelord, and Engineer Character, and the next White Dwarf has a picture of the new Dwarf Army Book. Also, if you look closely, you can see new Dwarf Ironbreakers. This new Ironbreakers kit also looks like it builds some kind of blunderbuss wielding shooting unit. This blunderbuss carrying unit might also have the option to build some kind of flamethrower gun, I’m not sure.
New kits:
New Gyrobomber/Gyrocopter kit.
Engineer Character.
New Runelord.
-Yes Belegar has gromril. His Oathstone will be an extra points upgrade
-Thunderers/Quarrellers are CORE and RARE currently
-Gyrocopter is coming (see picture behind Slayer in video in “what’s new”
-pg 27 of the WD says “Next week: Engineering Madness” in Designer Notes
-I would like to note that the Hammerers use GROMRIL hammers
It’s basically 3 rules:
-Ancestral grudge, roll a D6 before the first turn. On 1-2 your general hates the enemy’s general. On 3-4 your characters hate all enemy characters. On 5-6 your army hates the entire enemy army.
-Resolute, charging units have +1 strength
-Relentless, cannot be marchblocked.
(NOTICE: no -1 to flee and pursue rolls? I figured this would go with how movement and charging changed and all.)
via EddieJA on Warseer 2-2-2014
‘So, I don’t know if this has been discussed already, but a LGS near me was accidentally selling next week’s White Dwarf early. The Dwarfs have a Gyrobomber coming, this kit also makes a new Gyrocopter. They are also getting a new Runelord, and Engineer Character, and the next White Dwarf has a picture of the new Dwarf Army Book. Also, if you look closely, you can see new Dwarf Ironbreakers. This new Ironbreakers kit also looks like it builds some kind of blunderbuss wielding shooting unit. This blunderbuss carrying unit might also have the option to build some kind of flamethrower gun, I’m not sure.
New kits:
New Gyrobomber/Gyrocopter kit.
Engineer Character.
New Runelord.
~Have at it

Author: Larry Vela