40K – The Unbeatable List – The LVO Winning Army

Over 200 participants dueled at the Las Vegas Open – This list defeated all comers going 8-0. Behold the deadliest list in Warhammer 40,000 as of this last weekend!
First off I would like to congratulate Reece for pulling off the LVO and champion Alex Fennel for pulling off a perfect 8-0 streak with the list. Look for more detailed coverage of the LVO soon, but just note that Eldar appeared in half of the top 8 armies, with not a Tau to be seen. When you look at this list, remember that it faced other lists just as nasty and loaded for bear.
And here it is: 1750pts of Eldar (and a smidge of Dark Eldar) lethality and objective controlling machine.
It’s fast, masters the psychic phase, can project incredible firepower at range (most of which ignores cover), boasts lots of scoring units, and an almost unkillable deathstar.
So what do you think, and how would you attempt to deal with this list deploying across the tabletop from you?