BREAKING: Dwarf Week 2 Rules Sighted

Runes, Bouncing bombs, Dwarf supplements and more. There is a lot of new stuff headed your way in the upcoming week of releases.
Wow, a lot to cover over there.
– First off, we get our first view of the Bomber and it’s growing on me.
– I especially like the more overt steampunk feel of the Dwarfs. It’s not going as far as Warmachine – but the bearded ones are certainly headed in that direction. I think this is a strong aesthetic for the range that keeps the Dwarfs very distinctive (and collectable) from any other WFB army.
– These plastic characters look great, from the over the top steampunky Grimm Burlockson (who’s so cool, even his backbanner has a furnace), to the cleaner lines of the dual-build Runelords.
– The Gyrobomber is :M:1 WS:4 BS:3 S:4 T:5 W:3 I:2 A:2 Ld:9 with a hilarious 5″ template bouncing bomb that hits twice half the time! That’s just cool!
– Apparently stackable runes are in.
– We get some peeks at the so far unannounced IronBreakers.
– Plus a new Warhammer: Battlefields “The Underway” apparently for fighting in dwarfen holds. It all feels very Mines of Moria to me.
~Have at it folks! It’s going to be a busy weekend.