Do You Buy Minis Without Rules?

One reader has a question about your miniatures shopping habits – how important are rules to you?
Simple enough. GW have announced their new policy of releasing models without rules, the better to ‘trick’ us into buying a model that looks great, only to find we invested a small fortune in something that just sucks on the battlefield.
Oh hey there Pyrovore. What’s that? You’ve not been used on the battlefield by anyone who knew what they were doing since 2008? And everyone else felt betrayed that they spent a huge amount of money on you, only to discover you are the worst unit ever in the history of any wargame? You’re only ever used to proxy Biovores? Man.
Yeah, I feel your pain. ‘Cause you’re a pretty great model, but if I see someone field you as yourself, I know they’re either stupid, insane or a newbie. Possibly all three.
Oh hey there, Mandrakes. What’s that? You’re still proxying as Incubi? Oh, you’re proxying as Harlequins now? Because you’re a great model, but have utterly underpowered rules and serve no useful purpose when compared to the significantly better choices available in the rest of the Codex?
Have you met Pyrovore? You two should talk.
So: where do you stand on the idea of spending a large amount of money on a new model? Do the rules matter to you, or do are you just about the aesthetics?
For me, I’ll buy any model I like… but if the rules are bad, I will convert the **** out of it to make it something actually useful on the battlefield.
And give us your thoughts in the comments.