GW: Adding Knights to Your Army

GW has pulled off the wraps of the Knights Officially and the daily rules tease continues. Today – how to add them to your army.
via Games Workshop 2-24-2014
Knights can be fielded in two different ways: as a detachment for a regular Warhammer 40,000 army, including between one and three Knights, or as a full Knight army of up to six of them. Yes, that’s right, you can field a whole army of these massive war machines.
It would appear that those masterless Freeblades provide a fluff rationale for any faction add them to their army. Like the Baneblade when first introduced – you should expect to see Knights showing up everywhere.
Also we have a clear winner in the low-modelcount faction. Buy six models and fight!
~What do you think about that! I wonder what the Orks provide as payment?