Privateer Press: Upcoming 2014 Products Round-Up
This last Friday, Privateer Press held a keynote presentation at Templecon in Rhode Island with loads of new looks at upcoming products and awesome videos. Here’s the rundown:
The keynote presentations started with a brief backer update for Warmachine: Tactics, the turn-based strategy game. Art assets and sculpts were shown for Kommander Sorscha, Exemplar Cinerators and Errants, the Scarlock, and several other characters:
Next up is the announcement of Hordes: Exigence, the next upcoming anthology book for Hordes. There were four warlocks previewed during the keynote. Helga the Conqueror, pictured below is a new farrow warlock, who promises to provide support to the Thornfall Alliance in a lot of new ways.
Injured and taken off of the battlefield in the most recent fiction, Xerxis, Fury of Halaak returns to combat mounted atop a giant rhinoceros. He is confirmed to be mounted on a 120mm base, so expect an impressively large sculpt.
The new Legion of Everblight character warbeast is a heavy nephilim that has affinities with both Saeryn and Rhyas, which will vary depending on whose battlegroup it is in at the time.
Two new battle engines for Minions were also previewed, the Gatorman Sacral Vault, and the Farrow Meat Thresher. The Sacral Vault interacts with living models dying around it while the Meat Thresher looks to sew mayhem on the battlefield.
The next preview was for a new model/unit type, called warbeast packs. These are groups of four models that behave both like warbeasts and units. They have multiple wounds like Champions or Ravagers, can be forced in accordance to the number of models left in the unit, can be leached and reaved from, can be transferred to or healed, and must obey unit coherence rules.
Next came the announcement of new lesser warlocks for the main factions, paralleling the novice warcasters from Vengeance.
Horgul Ironstrike, the Trollblood lesser warlock, will get a discount on Pyre and Slag Trolls while also being able to take strong advantage of their ranged capabilities.
Una the Falconer from the Circle of Orboros specializes on hunting birds and griffins bringing striking power and new options to the Circle.
Several other previews for models like the Trollkin Highwaymen and a new character satyr were also previewed.