Tyranid Dataslate: Rising Leviathan 2 is Here

The second Tyranid digital Dataslate is here, and bug players should be rejoicing. Just wait till you see what formation from the mists of time has returned!
Dataslate: Tyranid Invasion – Rising Leviathan II $14.99
The invasion of Satys enters a new and deadly phase as the Hive Mind drowns the planet in a deluge of biohorrors. Though tens of thousands lie dead already, the Catachans, led by Colonel Krelm, desperately try to hold key fortifications within the irradiated jungles, hoping to keep the swarm at bay. The surviving members of the Aurora Space Marine Chapter fight with them, determined to sell their lives if it means blunting the Great Devourer’s assault. Can they hold back the beast long enough for help to arrive, or will they too succumb to the chitinous claws of Hive Fleet Leviathan?
About the Book:
Tyranid Invasion – Rising Leviathan II is the second book in a trilogy of Tyranid Dataslates, each of which details the different stages of Hive Fleet Leviathan’s assault upon the planet of Satys. This second instalment showcases the invasion organisms of the Tyranid fleet. It contains formations, missions and rules so that you can re-create the unstoppable advance of Hive Fleet Leviathan in your games of Warhammer 40,000.
OH YEAH – Endless Swarm returns! If there is one hallmark formation that best reflects the horror of dread of fighting the Hivefleets is is Endless Swarm, and seeing it make its way onto the standard 40K tabletop is a good thing!