Warmachine: Transverse Enumerator
2 Minute Read
Feb 27 2014

The newly released Transverse Enumerator is a universal attachment for any Convergence of Cyriss infantry unit. Which units are worth attaching to?
The Transverse Enumerator brings a number of abilities to the table. You’ll need to carefully consider which are most useful for a given unit based on its role; not all of her abilities are equally applicable to all units.
Command 9: This is probably the most generally useful ability. 2″ more command may not seem like much, but compared to the pitifully cramped base command range of Convergence units, this really helps the unit spread out and occupy more space.
Realignment: This once-per-game minifeat allows models in the unit to reroll failed attacks and skill checks for one turn. This is best on units that can generate lots of attack rolls, such as the Reductors’ sprays. Just remember that rerolls are most helpful if you already had a decent chance to hit; they don’t eliminate the need for aiming or Flare.
Spray: The attachment itself packs a 6″ spray that causes continuous fire, the only weapon in the faction that causes continuous effects. She doesn’t have Clear, so unlike the Reductors you can’t indiscriminately shoot your own dudes in the back. If she’s attached to Perforators, you’ll get the benefit of Assault as well, so a 15″ threat on continuous fire isn’t shabby at all.
Repair: The enumerator has the second-highest repair score in the faction, so if you attach her to a medium based unit (or unit that hangs out behind them), she can patch up anyone that survives an attack. Because of the lack of Clear, this gives you something to do on turns when you don’t want to risk injuring your own models. Even though Realignment affects skill checks, you’re probably not bringing her for her repair ability alone; you may as well get another 3-man unit of Optifex directive for the same cost in that case.
Ranked Attacks: Other friendly faction models can draw line of sight through the models in the unit the Enumerator is attached to. This is most relevant on shield wall units that are likely to be the front line of engagement, such as Obstructors or Reciprocators.
One final thing to keep in mind; even though she is Fearless, she is still human unlike most Convergence troops. This does expose a weakness to things like Excarnate that would otherwise be useless against the unit.
Of these abilities, command 9 and Realignment are probably the biggest ones, which is why you’ll usually see her attached to Reductors. It’s the same points cost to add an Enumerator as it is to bump up a min unit to max. So in exchange for 3 fewer sprays you get an improved chance to hit and the ability to spread out more.
What other uses have you found for the Enumerator?

Author: Guest Columnist