40K: IG Taurox and Taurox Prime Latest

Herre come the APCs! The Imperial Guard are only days away. Time to catch up with the latest on the IG’s latest ride.
It looks like the White Dwarf is all over and we have a set of rules much more detailed that what was reported earlier:
Imperial Guard Week 1 Transports
AV: 11/10/10
BS:3 HP:3
Fire ports:2 per side, Access points: side, rear
Reroll Difficult Terrain tests
Transport Capacity: 10
Linked Autocannon
May be used by any IG squad who can access a Chimera
Taurox Prime
AV: 11/10/10
BS:4 HP:3 Fast
Fire ports:2 per side, Access points: side, rear
Reroll Difficult Terrain tests
Transport Capacity: 10
Taurox Battle Cannon (S7 AP4, Blast), Linked Hot-shot Volley gun
Upgrade Taurox Battle Cannon to:
Taurox Gatling Cannon (S4 AP– Heavy10) +10pts
Taurox Missile Launcher (Cyclone clone) +20pts
May be used by any Scions or Scions Command Squad
My big question is: Does the Taurox have a useful place in an army already equipped with two of the best transports in the game, the Chimera and the Valkyrie?