RUMORS: CSM March Wave Latest

There been a whole lot of talk about the upcoming Chaos Marine kits. Here is the latest on what Chaos has in store the next two weeks.
So, we’ve all seen the White Dwarf cover, and know that this Saturday we are getting:
-Chaos Helbrute (with all those sexy faceplate and weapon options)
-Codex Crimson Slaughter (described as a CSM add-on codex akin to Clan Raukaan, Farsight Enclave, or Iyanden)
And a whole slew of reboxed CSM minis. I mean who doesn’t love a fancy new cardboard box!
The following week (March 15 pre-orders, March 22nd release) we will see the following:
– CSM Chosen plastic kit
– CSM Havocs plastic kit
If you recall a couple of months ago there was talk of a fourth CSM mini set coming to plastic alongside the other three.
The earlier chatter pointed to a Chaos Cultists kit.
The latest chatter has seen the Cultist talk die down and Oblit talk uptick a bit, but the jury is still out.
What is interesting is if you look at yesterday’s product release list you will note that there are a few kits NOT on that list of repacks… the beloved (and relatively new plastic) Helturkey, and the Oblits and Mutilators. Hmmm….
As a final hint to throw into the mix, GW Digital’s professional tease Eddie threw out this Crimson Slaughter image…
~Have at it