Top 8 Things I Learned About Knights in the Compendium

First of all, my Imperial Knight Compendium came in and it is AWESOME! I’ve found some very interesting things:
You know how Games Workshop loves to hide little gems in plain sight to give you a taste of products coming way down the road. Well get a load of these nuggets from this brand new (not ancient 1990s) book:
1) “The Knight Paladin and the Knight Errant are the common patterns of Imperial Knight armour, though there are others”
2) “The Knights have fought alongside the Imperium, from the Dark Days of the Horus Heresy to the Time of Ending”
3) “the Adeptus Mechanicus produce numerous marks of Knight Suit, from the swift and deadly line-breaker known as the Lancer to the ponderous, heavily armoured gun platform that is the Knight Crusader”
4) “While the Swarmlord directed the assault against the northern polar fortress, a Dominatrix, a rare colossal Tyranid leader-beast capable of projecting the will of the Hive Mind over vast distances, led the swarm in the south…”
5) “Before the swarm could could react to defend its queen, Arachnus carved its head from its body with a single blow from his chainsword, sowing confusion and disorder among the Tyranids”
6) “the Freeblade Justice earned a formidable reputation hunting down traitor Knights of House Darkon”
7) “Forillus levelled his thermal cannon at the Great Gagant’s head, turning it into molten slag in a single ruinous blast. Headless, the warmachine stagered into the Orks, crushing scores…”
8) “When the Great Betrayal tore Mars in two, many Knights sided with the Dark Mechanicus, falling to the whispered promises of the Chaos Gods.”
Add to that at least a dozen references to Knights fighting alongside Skitarii across the universe against almost every foe imaginable.
I think you can read between the lines on these…
Which of those teases do you MOST want to see in model form yesterday!