40K 7th Edition Early Rumblings – Rules Percentages
Following up on this week’s report of GW ramping up for 7th Edition in May, here’s the latest batch of rules morsels of what we will see:
Overall, we are NOT looking at a massive overhaul to the game. Look for a lot of fine tuning, and massaging of the more broken parts of the current 6th Edition to integrate the later rulebooks and clean things up.
First up – Percentage FOC limits (like in Warhammer Fantasy):
40%+ Troops
10%-30% HQ (single character HQ Warlords can break this limit)
<20% Elite
<25% Fast
<25% Heavy
<25% Lords of War
<20% Fortifications…can take multiple fortifications
<50% Primary Army Formations
+++We consider this set average reliability+++