40K: Bullgryns Rules Spotted

Bullgryns have been spotted in the upcoming White Dwarf. Here’s what’s coming for the newest Astra Militarum unit to hit the tabletop:
via Barcode:
Bullgryn: WS4 BS3 S5 T5 W3 I2 A3 Ld6 Sv4+
Bone’ead: WS4 BS3 S5 T5 W3 I2 A4 Ld7 Sv4+
Grenade Launcher: (R:12″ S:4 AP:6 Assault1 Small blast)
Bulllgryn Shield: (+1 Armor Save if in base-to-base contact with another model with a Bullgryn Shield, +1Cover save to any model obscured by the model)
Special Rules: Hammer of Wrath, Stubborn, Very Bulky
Dedicated Transpsort: Chimera, Taurox
Squad size 3-10
45pts each
Options: +15 per Bullgryn to upgrade to Brute Shield (Rerolls on Hammer of Wrath, and 5+ Inv. Sv.) and Power Maul