40K: Latest 7th Edition Boxed Details

It’s always interesting to see how rumors evolve over time. Take at look at what we have for the new 40K 7th Boxed set:
via BoLS 1-27-2014
Launch Window – @September
Rules Summary: Updated Mini-rulebook contains FAQs, minor tweaks and clarifications, and much of Stronghold Assault rolled into a new shiny package.
Miniatures included: @70
Blood Angels (plastic quick assembly)
– Assault Marine Squad
– Tactical Marine Squad
– Death Company Squad
– Captain (kitted out for assault)
– Chaplain
– Sanguinary Priest (limited edition, similar to the Dark Vengeance mini was)
Orks (plastic quick assembly)
– ‘Ardboys (full mob)
– Nobs (small squad)
– Warboss
– Big Mek
– Ork themed fortification
This was described as simply an updated Warhammer 40,000 Starter Set and specifically “NOT 7th Edition.”
You will note that September falls right smack in the middle of the rumored release slots for Orks (a couple of months before), and Blood Angels (a couple of months after).
via Faeit 4-10-2014
40k 7th edition and the new starter kit Beachhead Stygia. It is small kit, with only five scouts, five blood angels, a commander with jump pack, five meganobs, 10 armoured ork shootas including a nob with two-handed axe and 10 gretchins. There are some destroyed columns, destroyed gothic stone walls and a three-piece stone bridge carried by gargoyles. It has a 96 page book, but only about the half is used for rules including three scenarios. Expert rules like all vehicle-related stuff are omitted completely. There are a handful of dice, a ruler, but no blast markers.
At the same time, there will be a new starter painting kit with 10 snapfit miniatures that will bring the tactical marines from the starter box to a full squad size and gives the ork player 5 additional boyz. It has a 48 page booklet with additional scenarios and hobby guides, brushes, basing sand and glue.
You can certainly see the overall themes of these:
-Blood Angels vs Orks
-The Nobs
-Tactical Squad
They mainly diverge on the overall size of the box, one says larger like Dark Vengence, one says smaller. As with most rumors the truth is probably in between the two.
~So which boxed set would you most like to buy?