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BREAKING: Tau Steath Suits like you’ve NEVER seen them…

2 Minute Read
Apr 1 2014
Warhammer 40K

GW unveils a painting guide that will shake your painting skills to the core!

Take it away Black Library:

This week, we can reveal an exciting new painting guide, unlike anything we’ve done before.

How to Paint Citadel Miniatures: Stealth Suits (Stealth Mode Enabled) is easily the most revolutionary guide we’ve ever created. It uses a highly detailed technique that makes use of an infra-shaded highlight and paint-layer system, to give an unparalleled finish that renders your stealth suit miniature completely invisible to the naked eye.
But don’t take our word for it.
Read some first hand testimony from genuine fictitious customers:
‘This is the best guide ever, it’s almost like the stealth suit isn’t even there!’
‘My painting has improved no end since I got this guide. I really feel like I’ve seen a visible improvement in my technique.’
‘Is this some kind of joke?’
There you have it, who wouldn’t want want this guide based on that evidence?
This new digital edition is available to download now, but for one day only!
Head over to iBooks to download your copy.
Thanks for reading,

– Eddie, Adeptus fraudulenti
~Gotta love the timing.  Well played Eddie – well played my friend!

Author: Larry Vela
  • 40K: Knight Lancer Rules

    Warhammer 40K