Creature Caster Kickstarter is a GO!

No use bothering with words. Creature Caster has launched their Kickstarter – RUN, don’t walk to get in!
via Creature Caster
My name is Jeremy Glen. I started this campaign in order to kickstart my new miniatures company, called Creature Caster. I am rewarding my backers with discounted prices, beautiful models, bundle deals, free gifts, plus some really special Kickstarter exclusive parts for your models.
My professional experience includes sculpting for film and television. I have freelance sculpted dozens of wargame miniatures over the past 6 years. Upon finishing school I have become experienced in modern tools such as CG modelling and 3D printing.
I am also the original founder and sculptor for Ultraforge Miniatures, a small and successful miniatures company. This gained me valuable experience in the fields of manufacturing, retail and fulfilment.
Creature Caster miniatures are large, detailed resin-cast models. They are very well suited for painting, war gaming and display.
My style is grounded in realism, with a strong emphasis on anatomy and balance. I prefer my sculptures to have a clear silhouette, a balanced hierarchy-of-shape, and look great from every angle.
The surface detail is carefully designed to look great when painted by a beginner, after a simple basecoat, ink and drybrush.
~You can pick up your tongue now…