First Look Review – White Dwarf #13 New Wood Elves

Noble denizens of the deep forest rejoice for your army’s time is nigh.
The forest stirs, and this month’s White Dwarf previews the new Wood Elf models, and Army book at long last.
Once again the “first” magazine of the month is bursting with content and previews, much unlike the previous issue.
That fact aside this magazine is once again $4 and contains another 32 pages of weekly content, previews and new rules for the Wood Elves.
Personally I’m a big fan of the new Treeman model, and see a ton of conversion possibity for it!
I also liked this months paint splatter, and it was the first “organic” one we’ve seen since back in February when the Tyranids released.
Overall it was a modestly good issue, but worth picking up none the less.
Will we see more Wood Elf models in next weeks issue, or something else all together?