Malifaux Unboxing: Open Graves Crew Box
3 Minute Read
Apr 16 2014

Presenting Nicodem, the Gentleman Necromancer, and his horde of katana wielding zombies!
The Open Graves box contains a sprue that builds up Nicodem, his assistant grave digger Mortimer, the Vulture totem, and 3 Punk Zombies, plus assorted stat and upgrade cards for the models.
Nicodem himself is a very tall, thin model (and the top hat just makes him taller!). He’s bulked up a bit by his flowing coat, and he comes with a zombie bursting out of the ground. If you go with a different basing scheme, the zombie itself could very easily be repurposed as an alternate Mindless Zombie.
In contrast to his master, Mortimer has a bit of bulk to him. A decently portly fellow, he also avoids Wyrd’s penchant for making models with very tiny pieces (the closest thing he has is a single solitary foot). My personal favorite bit is the backpack with a pick stuffed full of arms.
The Vulture’s a very simple model, but that doesn’t stop it from being a great bird. It’s got decent detailing all over it’s body for the feathers, and it’s stopped from being “just another bland bird model” by the skull and spine it’s dragging keeping it in the air.
The Punk Zombies are going to be the hardest part of the box for people to assemble. Very thin emaciated arms and katanas everywhere, as well as some interesting mold decisions in some places, like the non-spiked mohawk one having a multiple part head. Still a potential improvement in that regard over the metal ones though, as they also suffered from the tiny connection point issue on the arms and swords.
Overall a fun looking box, with models just oozing resurrectionist flavor (Mortimer has a necklace of ears!). The move to plastic is going to be a great boon to Nicodem, as it should help lower the cost of running him just a bot (he’s one of the most varied summoners in the game).
More Malifaux soon!

Author: Gwendolyn Gifford