Warmachine: Corollary Arrives!

The Corollary is probably the second purchase any prospective Convergence player should make, after the battlebox. Why is it so important?
Power Transfer – This star action lets the Corollary spend up to 3 focus to allocate that focus to a friendly faction vector within 5″. This allows you to, for instance, fully fuel a vector that started the turn outside of your control area, with just one activation. More importantly, spending focus on Power Transfer counts as spending focus for the purposes of Induction (here’s the ruling). That means if you spend 1 focus on Power Transfer, you can allocate that focus to one vector, and induct another free focus to the same or different vector. Just keep in mind that Power Transfer is slightly shorter range than induction, and that it doesn’t allow you to give more than one focus to multiple vectors.
Accumulator – This passive ability gives the corollary a free focus if it starts its activation within 3″ of your warcaster. Combined with Power Transfer, that means even if you do nothing else, the Corollary is worth 2 free focus per turn. Just be careful with your positioning and order of activations, especially at the start of the game. For instance, don’t box in the corollary if you’re intending to use its free focus to run all your vectors, since it will need to move upfield at least a little bit.
Focus Battery – Unspent focus remains on the Corollary from turn to turn. Because the Corollary is a vector, it’s a legal target to have focus inducted to it. That means, if you plan well, you can:
- Start your turn without allocating to any vectors.
- Activate the corollary within 3″ of your caster, getting 1 free focus.
- Spend 1 to give one vector a focus, and induct another focus to a different vector. 2 free focus are in play now.
- As your other vectors activate, induct both of those focus back to the Corollary (easy to do if you’re running or shooting, and think about your positioning). The corollary ends the turn with 2 free focus on it.
- Start your next turn, the Corollary activates within 3″ of your caster, and now has 3 free focus on it.
Arcane Repeater – Like the Squire, the Corollary extends your warcaster’s control area by 2″ as long as it remains within 5″. This can be extremely helpful for Syntherion and Axis, especially on feat turn.
Attached – The corollary is jack, and it’s a member of your battlegroup. It does have an attack, so in a pinch you can use it to slam, benefit from Synergy, etc. It’s damage grid isn’t the best, but def 12 arm 15 with 18 damage boxes is more survivable than most any solo.
What would you expect to pay for this? How about the low, low price of 3 army points? And the model is pretty darn good too. Resin body with a clean cast, easy to assemble. I initially thought the photos looked kind of derpy, but it looks much better on the table. I think it also helps the appearance to pin it directly to the base, rather than floating on a flight stand, which is easy to do.