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40K 7th Edition Early Rumblings – Of Boards, Wolves and Arithmetic!

2 Minute Read
May 2 2014
Warhammer 40K

Following up on this week’s report of GW ramping up for 7th Edition in May, here’s the latest batch of info doing the rounds:

via Lords of War on Facebook:

“A new Realm of Battle board will be released with 7th edition. This board will have a “40k/City” theme and will be 6′ x 4′ with a travel bag like the current Realm of Battle Board.”

“Is calling BS on the whole “percentages” for your forces in 40K.”

“The next 40k army after Orks will be Space Wolves. Stay tuned for more information on Orks and Space Wolf releases.”

So there is the latest from Facebook folks.  There are now contradictory rumors doing the rounds regarding percentages (they were also rumored to be arriving with 5th and didn’t), and talk of either Blood Angels or Space Wolves coming after Orks.

Now for the arithmetic part.

Let’s put on our supposition glasses for a minute and step back to look at some of the recent rumors from a distance.  If you all recall about 3 months ago there was a rumor going round that GW was doing preliminary work on a supplement for formal 40k Tournament/Competetive play.  That rumor came and went, but now with 7th approaching, we are seeing seeing all kinds of odd rumors flying about.  I’m not saying it’s true, but some things like rumors of sideboards and percentages, and such may not make sense for the 7th Edition ruleset update coming, but they could be conflated rumors from such a tournament supplement getting mixed in with the other rumors.

We have seen this type of rumor mixup before, such as when the “giant imperial walker” rumors that obviously described the Knight got mixed in with the Codex Space Marine rumors.  Just something to keep an eye on for the future…

There are LOTS of crazy rumors out there folks, and we are only reporting on sourced rumors (like these), or those coming from multiple anonymous sources. Expect the drip-drip-drip to accelerate in the days ahead.


Author: Larry Vela
  • 40K 7th Edition Early Rumblings - Rules Percentages

    Warhammer 40K