40k 7th Edition Rules – Top 10 Truth Squad
2 Minute Read
May 22 2014

People have the book. One of them has a Kirby on it.
So, let’s look at the major changes. You can see everything over here at 3++ is the New Black – I’ll be tidying up the comments later in another post but a quick fire summary change commences now.
- Psychic phase added – you can throw dice at powers and at denying but I expect psychic reliance will drop; you cannot attempt to manifest the same power in the same unit
- Brotherhood of Psykers / Psychic Pilot counts as Mastery levels for generating warp charges
- Area terrain and Focus Fire removed
- ICs cannot join any sort of MCs or Vehicles
- All Ally types score. Even Come the Apoc. All Troops get Objective Secured. Even vehicles (so dedicated transports for Troops)
- You can have as many detachments as you want in a “normal” army
- FMC cannot land and assault the same player turn
- Jink is a 4+ cover save declared before To Hit rolls are made; Snap Shots only
- Missions are the same except objectives are placed before table halves decided (Maelstrom are complete different missions which utilise the Tactical Objectives; I foresee these being brought in as secondaries for tournament missions)
- Player who deploys first chooses who goes first after deployment
- D-weapons only ignore invul/cover on a wound / pen of 6
Those are the most obvious changes that are jumping out at me so far. Once I’ve settled down and stopped answering queries as I said, I’ll put together a summary of everything and look at it there.
Consolidate into combat, -2 BS for snap shots and -2 cover for ignores cover were false rumors.
First impressions – 6.5 with psychic phase.
Ask any questions and I’ll try and answer though more and more have the book now :).

Author: Kirby