40K: FEAR the Looted Wagon – Warbosses Rejoice!

That sound you’ll be hearing this weekend is thousands of Looted Wagons being kitbashed!
images via La Taberna De Laurana & Dakka
So first off we have the confirmed rules for the Looted Wagon which got some Warbosses attention.
Looted Wagon 37pts
Looted Wagon: BS:2 F:11 S:11 R:10 HP:3
Tank, Open-topped Transport (12 models)Don’t Press Dat: Roll 1d6 for each Looted Wagon at the start of the shooting phase. ON a roll of 1, the looted wagon must move Flat Out, even if it performed a Tank Shock earlier in the turn.
Firepoints: 3 , side, side, rear (only if ‘ard case is bought)
Accesspoints: 1 , rear (only if ‘ard case is bought)
Killkannon +30Up to three of the following:
Big Shoota +5
Rokkit Launcha +5
Skorcha +5Deffrolla +10
‘Ard case +15
Grabbin claw +5
But then we got this piece of info doing the rounds over the last few hours:
So that’s 67 pts for a “poor man’s Leman Russ” I don’t know about you, but I’m thinking with some Orky cunning and good cover/terrain placement you will be seeing a bunch of these Killkannon jobs out and about on a tabletop near you. I would certainly field several of those since they clock in for about the same price as a Whirlwind or a Dark Eldar Raider.