40K TRUTH SQUAD: Ork Codex Rules!

Thanks to Jidmah for putting together a lovely copy of all the Orky changes (plus Ghazzy) for 7th :).
7th Edition:
– (Combi-)Skorchas no longer shoot at the same time as burnaz, potentially leaving either out of range to hurt anything.
– Focus fire is gone. Putting half your mob in cover is no longer a disadvantage.
– Artillery can move and shoot.
2) Assault
– You can now charge vehicles and monstrous creatures you can’t hurt
– You can move through space smaller than your base while charging
– Charging through difficult terrain is -2″
– ‘urty syringe only gives a reroll if your strength is higher than target
3) Characters
– When a character overkills is opponent in a challenge, the excess wounds are allocated to the unit. No more sergeants taking one for the team
– When the unit has no one left to fight, they will pile in the challenge and can allocate wounds to the challenge. No more characters stalling a mob of boyz for one turn by challenging the nob
– Any character can be your warlord
– New warlord tables, some pretty useful for orks
4) Vehicles
– Rams no longer take distance traveled into account, but gain +1S from reinforced ram’s +2AV
– Vehicle explosions are S4 for everyone, inside and outside
– Can’t explode vehicles without AP2/1 unless open topped
– Passengers of open-topped vehicles now suffer hits from template weapons
– Deff dreads and Killa Kanz got Hammer of Wrath
5) List-building
– Can take any number of detachments with at least 1 HQ and two troops
– Lost Tau, Necrons, and Imperial Guard as allies of convenience
– Can now ally “come the apocalypse” factions
Codex: Orks:
– Need Warboss to call Waaagh!
– Waaagh! goes back to allowing running and charging during the same turn
– Waaagh! is now called before rolling for reserves
– Got ‘ere we go, which allows to reroll one charge dice. All orks have ‘ere we go
– Mob rule changed: On a failed moral or pinning test roll D6 instead:
1 Born to Fight: If in combat, pass, otherwise fail
2-3 Breaking Heads: If character in unit, pass and take d6 S4 hits, otherwise fail. Wounds cannot be allocated to ork characters (wounds disappear if only characters are left)
4-6 Squabble: If 10 or more orks in unit, pass and take d6 S4 hits, otherwise fail
– Orks can choose to use a detachment with 3 HQ 9 Troops 3 FA 3 Elite 3 HS 1 LoW 1 Fortification instead of the normal one. If they do 1 HQ and 3 Troops are mandatory. Units of 10 or more models that roll 10″ or more on the charge have Hammer of Wrath. No objective secured.
– Formation requiring exactly 6 Boyz mobs, 1 unit of Nobz, 1 unit of Gretchin, 1 mek and a Warboss allows for unlimited Waaaghs! Has Hammer of Wrath rule above as well
Ork Psychic Powers
1: ‘ead banger, 24″ focused witchfire, causes wound on failed T test with no cover or armor saves allowed (1 WC)
2: Warpath, same as before (1 WC)
3: Da jump, same as previous ‘ere we go. When you roll doubles for scatter, entire unit must snap-fire (1 WC)
4: Kill bolt, 18″ S10 AP 2 beam (2 WC)
5: Power Vomit: S7 AP2 template (2 WC)
6: Da Krunch: S2D6 AP4 Large Blast, Barrage, if you roll a over 10 you get another one until you roll 10 or under, or everything is dead. (2 WC)
Ork Warlord Trait[I]
2 Bellowing Tyrant: The Warlord, and all friendly units with the Orks Faction within 12″ of him, re-roll failed Morale checks and Pinning tests.
3 Like a Thunderbolt!: The Warlord, and all friendly units with the Orks Faction within 12″ of him, can re-roll all the dice when determining Run moves or charge range.
4 Brutal but Kunnin’: The Warlord can re-roll one failed To Hit or To Wound roll each turn.
5 Kunnin’ but Brutal: The Warlord can re-roll one failed armour or invulnerable saving throw each turn.
6 Might is Right: The Warlord receives +1 to the Strength characteristic on his profile.
[Additional Maelstrom Missions
]– Shoot an enemy unit off the board,
– Kill the an enemy in a challenge with your warlord (d3 VP if you kill the enemy warlord)
– Destroy an enemy unit in your assault phase (more units gone, more points)
– Three units must turbo boost, move flat out, ram or run 6″ or more (6″ only for running, any distance for athers).
– Secure a random objective (roll a D6 when drawing the card),
– Charge more than 10 inches.
– Warboss now calls the Waaagh!
– Big Mek no longer makes Deff Dreads troops
– Big Mek can now take MA and KFF or MA and Tellyporta-Blasta (short range S8 Ap2 blast, instant death/auto pen on sixes)
– Big Mek can now take Bike and KFF or Bike and SAG
– Big Mek may take a killsaw
– Big Mek gets a KMB instead of a TL shoota when switching to MA
– Weirdboy and Warphead upgrade dropped in price
– Weirdboy no longer randomly cast powers
– Weirdboy may generate powers from Sanctic Demonology, Malific Demonology and Power of the Waaagh!.
– Weirdboy has force staff (+2S AP4)
– Weirdboy generate an extra warp charge if at least 10 orks nearby. When he does and fails to manifest a power he takes a S2 hit, no saves allowed
– Mad Doc Grotznik gives Fearless, Rampage and FNP
– New! Able to field a regular mek for every HQ chosen, takes no slot. May join infantry or artillery units. Meks can still be taken as part of Burna/Loota units
– Meks can take Kill Saw, KMB, Kustom Mega Slugga, Rokkit, Kombi weapons and grot oilers
– Mek tools fix vehicles on a 5+ but no longer shake vehicles
– New! Able to field a painboy as HQ
– Pain boy can take boss pole, warbike, grot orderly and attack squig
– New! Badrukk is now a HQ choice, small drop in points
– Badrukk has the Kunnin’ but Brutal Warlord trait
– New! Zagstruk is now a HQ choice
– Zagstruk has the Bellowing Tyrant Warlord trait
– Zagstruk causes S8 AP2 Hammer of Wrath attacks
– Zagstruk no longer allows his unit to assault after deep strike
– Zagstruk no longer executes his unit
– Wazzdakka is gone. Fluff claims he has left with his own Waaagh! of bikers.
– Ol’ Zogwort is gone. Fluff claims he has left with his own Waaagh! of mad- and weirdboyz.
– Mega-Armoured Nobz may take boss poles.
– Mega-Armoured Nobz are bulky
– Nobz slightly cheaper, bike upgrade more expensive, so biker nobz are the same as before
– Nobz can buy ‘eavy armor for less points
– Nobz lost the ability to purchase painboyz or cybork
– All units (including nobz) are now lead by a boss nobz, same stats but character
– Tank bustaz got a small price drop
– Tank bustaz are no longer limited in their target choices. Instead, Glory Hogs gives an additional VP if they score first blood by killing a vehicle
– Tank bustaz’ tank hammers are S8 AP3 unwieldy but costs 15 points now
– Tank bustaz’ bomb squigs are now AP4 and no longer hit own vehicles
– Tankbusta bombs have become Meltabombs.
– Tank bustaz may take Trukks as dedicated transports
– Tank bustaz get the tankhunter special rule
– Tank busta nob can no longer take tank hammers, and gets now discount on his klaw.
– Burna boyz are slightly more expensive
– Burna boyz may take Trukks as dedicated transports
– Meks from Burna units get a discount on their killsaw
– Kommandoz got a price drop
– Kommandoz gained Stealth
– Kommandoz can have Nob and Snikrot
– Snikrot can be fielded solo, or joined to a unit of Kommandoz
– Snikrot’s has fear, can still arrive from any board edge, his shroud replaces stealth
– Snikrot does not take up a force organisation slot if you have any Kommandoz at all (does not need to join them).
– Snikrot can no longer enter the table from the opponent’s edge
– Snikrot and his unit gain the Shrouded USR on the turn he arrives or is deployed, but it replaces their stealth.
– All Elite choices have stikkbombs
– Boy Nobz leading boyz can only get ‘eavy armor if entire mob is upgraded
– Boy Nobz cannot gain one of the special weapons, but may buy combi-shootaz
– Slugga boyz have gained stikk bombs for free
– Shoota boyz have gained stikk bombs and have increase by one point per model
– No limit on units you can upgrade to ‘ard boyz
– Boyz get rokkit for 5 points less
– Gretchin dropped in points
– Grot pod may now choose to make one attack at double strength
– Squighound causes d3 S3 hits on the gretchin rather than outright eating thems
Fast Attack
– Bitza bommers bombs are now S7 AP2 large blast, armorbane
– Blitza bommers shoot rear armor on their 10-12 result when dropping a bomb
– Deff koptaz 5 points cheaper
– Deff koptaz no longer need to pay points for their ranged weapon upgrades
– Storm boyz have dropped in price
– Storm boyz can now be fielded in units of 30
– Storm boyz can now use their jump packs to run 2d6 in addition to moving 12″. If they do, they take dangerous terrain tests.
– Storm boyz can benefit from the Waaagh!
– Warbikers got a massive price drop to 18 per bike
– Warbikers can be fielded in units of 15
– Warbikers no longer get 4+ cover. Instead, they gain +1 cover while turbo-boosting
– Buggies 5 points cheaper
– Buggies can be taken in units of 5
– Buggies can gaine the Outflank USR
– New! Trukk can be chosen as fast attack choice
– Trukk dropped in price
– Trukk upgrade to Rokkit now free
– Trukk rule “Ramshackle” downgrades penetrating hits to glancing hits on a 6+
– No more size limit on units to buy trukk
Heavy Support
– Killa Kanz can now have up to 6 walkers per unit
– Killa Kanz must roll a d6 after losing more than 25% of their unit. If they roll 1 or 2, the entire unit is shaken. Panic roll is increased by +1 for every 3 kanz or 1 deff dread nearby.
– Killa Kanz get Grot Riggers for 5 points per model
– Killa Kanz get a Kan Klaw instead of a DCCW, being +2S AP2.
– Deff Dread and its options have become a little cheaper (100 points for all-klaw dread)
– Deff Dreads now use power klaws instead of DCCW (no functional change)
– Deff Dreads now get an additional attack from their first pair of PKs
– Deff Dreads get Grot Riggers for 10 points
– Zzap gunz now roll a d6 on strength 11 and 12. On a 1-3 it Get’s Hot!
– Battlewagon has gone up in price
– Battlewagon can upgrade to killkannon for half the old price
– Battlewagons can get grot riggers for 10 points
– Flash Gits had a small price drop
– Flash Gits’ snazz guns trippled their shots
– Flash Gits no longer have any upgrades but ammo runts
– Flash Gits may take battlewagons as dedicated transports
– Flash Gits now have Boss Poles instead of ‘eavy armor
– Flash Gits are lead by a Kaptin, same stats but character
– New! Lootaz now in heavy support
– Lootaz got a small price drop
– Lootaz may have a trukk as dedicated transport
– New! Gorkanaut AV13/13/12 Walker
– Gorkanaut has a S6 AP4 Assault 3d6 weapon, two rokkits, skorcha and a TL big shoota.
– Gorkanaut has rampage
– New! Morkanaut AV13/13/12 Walker
– Morkanaut has a S8 AP2 small blast weapon, two rokkits, a KMB and a TL big shoota
– Morkanaut can take a KFF
– Both walkers have a Klaw of Gork (or Mork), which is S10 AP1 concussive
– Both walkers can take Gort Riggers for 20 points
– New! Mek Gunz combine old big gunz entry and four new artillery guns
– Mek Gunz may have up to five gunz per battery each with up to four gretchin
– Mek Gunz cannot take runtherds
– Kannon, Lobba and Zzap gun got price drops
– Bubblechukka is large blast and rolls one d6 for both strength and AP
– Smasha gun is S4+d6 AP1
– Kustom Mega-Kannon is S8 AP2 small blast, Get’s Hot!
– Traktor-Kannon is S8 AP3 Skyfire and automatically immobilizes fliers when at least glancing them. FMC get -3 to their grounding check.
– Zzap gun got Get’s hot! and has a 50% chance of getting hot again when strength is above 10. Still shakes on glances and pens.
– Each Mek Gun determines their random rolls by itself. So five zzap guns, 5x 2d6 for strength
– Looted wagon has been removed from the codex, readded by White Dwarf
– Looted wagons had a massive price drop
– Looted wagons’ “Don’t press dat.” is now rolled in the shooting phase and forces you to move flat out. No longer prevents disembarking.
– Looted wagon can no longer take boom gunz, option for killkannon instead
Lords of War
– Can take attack squig and ammo runts.
– Lost +2 attacks on the charge from Adamantium Skull, gets Eternal Warrior and Cybork instead
– Thrakka no longer give 6″ runs on his Waaagh!
– Instead, MA models in his unit (including him) may run during that turn
– Give flat 2+ invul until next turn
– Can no longer call the Waaagh! at any time
– Stompa is in the codex
– Stompa can take Grot Riggers and extra Supa-Rokkits


– Big Choppa is AP5
– Cybork is 6+ FNP now, no invul, doesn’t stack with painboyz
– Git Findas give +1 BS when model remained stationary. Available to all HQs
– Attack Squig gives one reroll to hit per combat
– Boss pole: Each time a unit that includes at least one model with a Bosspole rolls on the Mob Rule table, you may choose to re-roll any result other than a Breaking Heads(2-3) result. You must accept the result of the re-roll
– Waaagh! Banner went up in price, still nobz only
– New! Kustom Mega Sluggas for Meks: S8 AP2 Get’s Hot! Pistol
Vehicle Upgrades
– Deff Rollas are d3 S10 AP4 hits only when DoG is faile now. Also increases front armor by 2 while ramming. Dropped price by half.
– Wrecking ball is 3″ S9 AP4 Assault D3 now
– Grot Riggers provide the IWND USR to vehicles
– Boarding planks add +2″ to charge when charging from an open-topped vehicle
– Grabbin Klaw can no longer grab skimmers
– Warboss Gazbag’s Blitzbike has a twin-linked S6 AP3 Assault 3 gun on it and can turbo-boost 18″
– Hedwompas choppa is a +2 str, AP5, rending choppa that beheads on a roll of 6 (insta death).
– Da Finkin Kap gives your warlord an additional trait from the strategic list in the BRB.
– Lucky Stixx is a Waaagh! banner for +1 WS. In addition the user can choose to reroll any failed to hit, to wound or saving throws they make. If they fail 3 of these rerolls in a single turn they are removed as a casualty.
– Da Fixer Upperz: Mek tools that succeed to repair on a 3+, big mek only. Says meks can use it, but meks can’t get relics
Supplement: Waaagh! Ghazghkull
Special rules
– If your warlord kills a character in challenge, he rerolls to wound for the rest of the game.
– +2 to mob rule result, but causes d3+3 rather than d6 hits.
Warlord Traits
2. Waaagh! Mongerer: Warlord’s unit has crusader
3. Madboy: Warlord has the Rage USR
4. Kunnin’ Plan: Warlord and his unit gain outflank
5. Kalling in a Favour: One of the warlord’s weapons becomes master-crafted. Can’t be a relic.
6. Dead ‘ard: Warlord gains FNP
~So what’s your first take on our first codex of 7th Edition?