BREAKING: X-Wing New Large ships Unveiled!

FFG’s Website has just revealed two new Large ships, so let’s take a quick look at what we know about the YT-2400 and the VT-49 Decimator!
Well all you X-Wing players thought that the two Huge ships, Wave 4 and the Rebel Aces set were enough to keep us satisfied for our space dogfighting fix. FFG obviously disagreed and have just reviled two new Large ships.
Lets start off by looking at the predicted YT-2400 (Nice shout by Matt Taylor who predicted this ship coming out back in April, you can read his thought here)
The YT-2400 is an Expanded Universe ship that was retroactively added in to the Special Edition of A New Hope. It made its appearance as the ship of choice for Dash Render in the Shadows of the Empire comic, novel and N64/PC game.
The pack seams to add new Obstacles as well as all of the usual new upgrades and pilot options. It is interesting that these Debris Clouds are ruined TIE’s (the ones in the Decimator are Ruined Rebel Ships) and I am hoping for a mechanic to add them in play on destruction of a ship, maybe lasting for 1 round, but time will tell.
So lets look at what we know about the ship itself. A two attack dice 360 turret, 2 evade dice, 5 Hull and 5 Shields makes this a nice balance between the YT-1300 and the Firespray.
Action bar has the usual Focus and Target Lock and the not so usual Barrel Roll. As I recall the YT-2400 has the same type of construction as the B-Wing in that the whole ship can rotate around the cockpit which makes the Barrel Roll make sense and I am looking forward to it being standard on a Large Ship.
Upgrade wise Dash can take an Elite Pilot Talent in addition to the Cannon Upgrade, Missiles and 1 Crew Slot.
In my opinion this is a really nice choice especially at the points level it sits at. The 2 Shot turret is nice and Balanced whilst the 2 Evade is extremely good on such a rugged ship although it does miss out on Slave-1’s evade action.
Considering Dash is the highest Pilot Skill available we can also assume he is the most expensive and coming in at 36 points for Pilot Skill 7 is only 3 points more than a Bounty Hunter in the Firespray so I think it’s going to be extremely good value and will defiantly see play as even the lower Pilot Skill ships keep the same stat line unlike when you downgrade the YT-1300 to an Outer Rim Smuggler.
Don’t worry though, all you Imperial Players are getting a new toy as well!