40K: New Basing Kit & Apocrypha Explanation
2 Minute Read
Jul 17 2014

Here’s the latest on what Codex Apocrypha is and GW’s new way to tart up your minis.
Previously the community saw this:
image via The Mexican Ork:
And that got everyone’s motor running trying to figure out what it might be. Then some hobbyists with a good memory did some digging in previous White Dwarf weeklies from last month and dug this guy up:
So it looks like this is just a new White Dwarf weekly column penned by everyone’s favorite Mr. Kelly himself. Color me disappointed. The community did come up with so many wonderful ideas for what they most wanted in a new codex.
Upwards and onwards, onto the new hobby products:
New Basing Kit
via Tombard we get a look at the new upcoming GW Imperialis Basing Kit: with the following details: – 20 small and 5 terminator bases and some stones for €26
Have at it folks.

Author: Larry Vela