40k SHOWCASE: Dark Eldar Incubi

Today we have a squad of neatly painted Dark Eldar Incubi on display, lead by a converted Klaivex.
Hey guys, Stahly here from Tale of Painters. Check out the squad of Dark Eldar Incubi I painted a couple of months ago, painted in the colours of the Kabal of the Last Hatred.
Overall I really enjoyed painting these models. It was nice to go back to my Dark Eldar army as I’m still quite happy with the paint scheme I came up with. However, with these models I realized how much more I enjoy painting plastic models, as the sculpting is more accurate thanks to the 3 up design process and the digital assistance. These Incubi were metal and the cast was quite rough on some of the models, reminding me that not only Finecast had casting issues.
Assembling the models was challenging, and I was thankful that I didn’t get them in resin, because otherwise bending parts in place wouldn’t have been as easy. Some parts like the klaives and the trophy racks are very flimsy, and I managed to break off the klaive of the one Incubi with the klaive aiming downwards. I had to glue a piece of plasticard underneath, it can’t be seen on the pictures but from some angles the klaive looks pretty nasty :/
For the Klaivex conversion I used one of the spare heads that comes with the Archon blister, and a helglaive from the Hellion kit cut in two.
As to the painting, I closely followed the tutorial I created for Kabalite Warriors. Differing to the ‘Eavy Metal paint jobs, I chose to paint the face masks in bone instead of white, just as the horns, as I felt that the models already had enough spot colours on them. I’m pleased how the glowing eyes turned out. The base colour of the bone is Formula P3 Jack Bone, to create the glow effect I mixed Jack Bone with Reaper Master Series Mint Green and a little bit of white, and applied the mix around the eyes. Finally I highlighted with pure RMS Mint Green.
How do you like my Incubi? Tell me in the comments! More of my Dark Eldar army can be found on Tale of Painters and in future BOLS updates.
Tale of Painters is a hobby blog by six experienced painters from all over the world, updated daily since 2011. Follow Tale of Painters for updates of their latest projects, inspirational showcases, high-class tutorials and reviews.